Chartered Surveyor & Chartered Building Engineers.
First Floor Swan Buildings 20 Swan Street
M4 5JW
Tel: 07901564422

Complaints Handling Process (CHP)
Complaints Handling Process (CHP)
At The Property Surveyor LTD, our aim is always to meet your expectations and deliver sound and reliable
Sometimes, however, you may have cause to question our service either because you are not happy
or are not clear about something.
In such circumstances we will do everything possible to answer your questions promptly and clearly.
In the first instance, please give us a clear description of your question or concern to make sure that
we have a full understanding of it. You can do this by writing to us at:-
The Property Surveyor LTD
We will:-
1. Acknowledge your communication within three working days.
2. Investigate your concerns and respond fully and in writing within 15 working days of receipt
of your communication.
3. Keep you informed if there is any delay to the above timeframe. For example, we may need
to carry out some further inspections or investigations to provide you with a comprehensive
If you are not satisfied with the answer and would like a further review then let us know and we will
provide a final viewpoint within 15 days of your request for a review.
In such circumstances we may request, at our expense, that another surveyor visit the property to
review the matter of concern, or conduct other further investigations.
With our final viewpoint we will provide details of how you can contact The Property Ombudsman
who offer an independent redress scheme of which we are members. This service is provided
without charge to you.
The Property Ombudsman
Milford House
43-55 Milford Street
01722 333306
Terms and Conditions
We have been requested by the purchasers to carry out a location Specific Structural Inspection of the above areas, consequently this report is limited to the structural elements of the property, only and maintenance issues will only be highlighted if considered relevant.
The products:-
Is a full and thorough visual inspection of the property
Is a non-invasive inspection - it will inspect areas normally opened or used by occupants
Advises on existing and likely potential defects and their repair.
Does not test services but observes them in normal operation where possible.
Is not an asbestos survey.
Is not a Japanese Knotweed, or other invasive plant species, survey.
Will be delivered in PDF format by email.
Is not a form of guarantee or warranty.
Limit of liability
The limit of liability for any claims made against the surveyor, or the Surveyors’ business, in respect of the service provided will be to a maximum of 3 times the cost (excluding VAT) of the gross survey fee.
Neither the surveyor, nor their descendants or beneficiaries, will be personally liable for any claims against the service provided. By acceptance of the report and its instruction you are agreeing to this. There is a strict no refunds policy.
Survey Terms of Engagement
Very sensibly you have chosen to use the services of a qualified and insured Chartered Structural Surveyor to provide you with an independent report. However, before undertaking the inspection and preparing the report on your behalf, you should understand the ‘terms’ under which the report is prepared so that you are clear as to exactly what level of service you are buying and to avoid any misunderstanding later.
A description of the service to be provided by your surveyor is set out below (they are also repeated in the actual report itself).
This report is for the private and confidential use of you, the client named in the report, and for whom the survey is undertaken, and for the use of your professional advisors, and should not be reproduced in whole or in part or relied upon by Third Parties for any purpose without the express written authority of the Surveyor.
This report is produced by a properly qualified chartered surveyor who will provide an objective opinion about the condition of the property which you, will be able to rely on and use. However, if you decide not to act on the advice in the report, you do so at your own risk.
This report tells you:
about the specific structural condition of the property and the history of structural defects seen and development as far as could be ascertained with a visual inspection, that has been asked for.
about the condition of the property on the date it was inspected only.
any limitations that the surveyor experienced during the course of the inspection, and the nature of risks that may be present in those areas
the nature of any significant defects that were found.
how to approach rectification of defects identified.
about elements of the property that will require more frequent or costly maintenance than would normally be expected
whether more enquiries or investigations are needed.
This report does not tell you:
the market value of the property or matters that will be considered when a market valuation is provided.
the insurance reinstatement/rebuild cost, or the cost of carrying out repairs or improvements.
about the nature or condition of any part of the property that is/was specifically excluded from the inspection by prior arrangement not accessible or visible using normal and accepted surveying practices not accessible or visible for health or safety reasons.
about any minor defects that would be anticipated in a property of the type and age being inspected - the nature of such minor defects will vary between property types.
details of defects that would normally be categorised as wear and tear or which would normally be dealt with as a matter of routine maintenance.
the report is not an asbestos inspection under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
any advice on subjects that are not covered by the report. If you need further advice you must arrange for it to be provided separately.
the condition of services (heating, plumbing, electrics, drains etc.)
Condition rating definition
The surveyor gives each part of the structure of the main building a condition rating, to make the report easy to follow. The condition ratings are as follows.
Condition Rating 1
Only minor or cosmetic repairs, or no repairs at all are currently needed. It is anticipated any repairs identified would be rectified during a programme of normal maintenance, and you should budget accordingly.
Condition Rating 2
Repairs or replacements are needed but these are not considered to be serious or urgent. However, you should obtain quotations for any works identified prior to exchange of contracts if purchasing the property.
Condition Rating 3
These are defects which are either serious and/or require urgent repair or replacement or where it is felt that further investigation is required, for instance where there is reason to believe repair work is needed but an invasive investigation is required to confirm this. A serious defect is one which could lead to rapid deterioration of the property or one where the building element has failed or where its imminent failure could lead to more serious structural damage. You should obtain quotations for additional work where a condition rating 3 is given, prior to the exchange of contracts if purchasing the property.
Not inspected - Indicates an element of the property that could not be inspected due to some restriction of access or view, or by previous arrangement.
Not applicable - This element is not present at the property or information about it is included within another section of the report.
Condition Rating HS
These are actual or potential health and safety risks identified at the property to which your attention is drawn. In some instances, a matter which has been identified will require specific testing of services such as electricity or gas to confirm that they are safe to use, but in other instances it may refer to hazards for which there is an increased risk of harm to those using the property. The level of risk may depend on a number of factors including the age, mobility and vulnerability of occupants. You should consider the relevant matters identified within this report and commission any further tests or investigations prior to the exchange of contracts and consider how the risks identified may affect your personal use of the property.
How the survey is carried out
The Surveyor follows the current RPSA Survey Inspection and Reporting Standards for a Building Survey. The surveyor undertakes a thorough visual and non-invasive inspection of the inside and outside of the main building and all permanent outbuildings, recording the construction and defects (both major and minor) that are evident. This inspection is intended to cover as much of the property as reasonably physically accessible. Where this is not possible an explanation is provided in the relevant sections of the report.
The Surveyor does not force or open up the fabric. This includes not taking up fitted carpets, fitted floor coverings or floorboards, moving heavy furniture, removing the contents of cupboards, wardrobes, and/or roof spaces, moving of valuable or delicate objects, etc., operating old, damaged, corroded or delicate fixtures and fittings, removing secured panels and/or hatches or undoing electrical fittings. Under-floor areas are inspected only where there is safe and clear access. If necessary, the surveyor carries out parts of the inspection when standing at ground level from adjoining public property where accessible. This means the extent of the inspection will depend on a range of individual circumstances at the time of inspection, and the surveyor judges each case on an individual basis.
The Surveyor uses equipment such as a moisture meter, binoculars, and a torch, and may use a ladder or extended camera pole to obtain views of flat roofs, and to access hatches or obtain views no more than 3m above ground (outside) or above floor surfaces (inside) if it is safe to do so. The surveyor also carries out a desk-top study prior to the survey inspection and makes oral enquiries, where possible, for information about matters affecting the property.
Where possible, services will be checked for their normal operation in everyday use.
Services are generally hidden within the construction of the property. This means that only the visible parts of the available services can be inspected, and the surveyor does not carry out specialist tests other than through their normal operation in everyday use. The visual inspection cannot assess the efficiency or safety of electrical, gas or other energy sources; the plumbing, heating or drainage installations (or whether they meet current regulations); or the internal condition of any chimney, boiler or other flue. Intermittent faults of services may not be apparent on the day of inspection. If any services (such as the boiler or mains water) were turned off, they were not turned on for safety reasons and the report will state that to be the case.
The Surveyor inspects the condition of boundary walls, fences, permanent outbuildings and areas in common (shared) use. To inspect these areas, the surveyor walks around the grounds and any neighbouring public property where access can reasonably be obtained. Where there are restrictions to access, these are reported, and advice is given on any potential underlying risks that may require further investigation. The Surveyor will not normally assume that access to neighbouring properties is granted, though may request permission for access if convenient to do so and considered necessary for a specific purpose, such as following the trail of suspicion to the source of a defect.
The surveyor does not carry out a survey to identify Japanese Knotweed or other invasive plant species, though will conduct a general assessment of the grounds to locate large or obvious plants, shrubs or trees that could present a risk to the structural safety of the property.
The Surveyor assumes that no treatments or management plans are in place for the control of invasive species unless informed otherwise by the property owners, or their agents.
Buildings with swimming pools and sports facilities are treated as permanent outbuildings and therefore are inspected, but the surveyor does not report on the specialist leisure facilities, such as the pool itself and its ancillary equipment, landscaping and other facilities (for example, tennis courts and temporary outbuildings).
When inspecting flats, the Surveyor assesses the general condition of outside surfaces of the building, as well as its access and communal areas (for example, shared hallways and staircases) and roof spaces, but only if safe to do so, and if they are accessible from within the surveyed property. The Surveyor also inspects (within the identifiable boundary of the flat) drains, lifts, fire alarms and security systems, although the Surveyor does not carry out any specialist tests other than through their normal operation in everyday use.
The Surveyor does not identify the nature, safety or suitability of any External Wall Systems or other forms of cladding.
Hazardous substances, contamination, and environmental issues
Unless otherwise expressly stated in the report, the Surveyor assumes that no deleterious or hazardous materials or techniques have been used in the construction of the property. However, the Surveyor will advise in the report if, in the Surveyor’s view, there is a likelihood that deleterious material has been used in the construction and specific enquiries should be made or tests should be carried out by a specialist.
The Surveyor makes desk-top and online investigations of free and publicly available information about contamination or other environmental dangers. The Surveyor will recommend further investigations if a problem is suspected.
The surveyor does not comment upon the possible existence of noxious substances, landfill or mineral extraction, or other forms of contamination other than in a general sense and if free and publicly available information is accessible.
The Surveyor does not carry out an asbestos inspection and does not act as an asbestos inspector when inspecting properties that may fall within the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. With flats, the surveyor assumes that there is a ‘duty holder’ (as defined in the regulations), and that in place are an asbestos register and an effective management plan which does not present a significant risk to health. The Surveyor does not consult the duty holder.
The Surveyor will indicate the presence of materials or surface coatings that are commonly known to contain asbestos, where they are clearly visible. However, the surveyor will not undertake any tests to confirm whether they do contain asbestos.
Consent, approvals and searches
The Surveyor is entitled to assume that the property is not subject to any unusual or onerous restrictions, obligations or covenants which could affect the reasonable enjoyment of the property. The surveyor is entitled to assume that all planning, building regulations and other consents required in relation to the property have been obtained. The Surveyor does not verify whether such consent has been obtained. Any enquiries should be made by the Client or the Client’s legal advisers. Drawings and specifications are not inspected by the Surveyor. The Surveyor is entitled to assume that the property is unaffected by any matters which would be revealed by a Local Search and replies to the usual enquiries, or by a Statutory Notice, and that neither the property nor its condition, its use or its intended use, is or will be unlawful.
Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the Surveyor while preparing the report assumed that:
The property (if for sale) is offered with vacant possession;
The property is connected to mains services with appropriate rights on a basis that is known and acceptable to the Client; and
Access to the Property is as of right upon terms known and acceptable to the Client.
Legal matters
The Surveyor does not act as ‘the legal adviser’ and does not comment on any legal documents.
If, during the inspection, the Surveyor identifies issues that your legal advisers may need to investigate further, the Surveyor may refer to these in the report (for example, check whether there is a warranty covering replacement windows).